In recent yearsRecently,more and more students have studied hard to go to universityies.(It's actually better for you to use the present continuous tense here coz ur trying to explain a well known concept). However,universities always have some limitations tofor students,like the number of students??.So in that case some students often loselost their chances to accept their educationgetting college education.This phenomenon is quite serious.It's a real problem.In our lifeves,we all know that students need to pass the entrance of examination to enter the universityies.,And there are many difficulties may happen.Always it may happen that some talented students missed their chances of getting to entering their imagining dream universityies in the most important test.When it happened,these students may then loset themselves.In addition,it is terrible for them to leave school to obtaintheother knowledge which is not fitting to them.????They could have stayed in their universities which they wanted to go all along but they now are wasting their precious life which is the most important time to do other things which they do not like.??On the other hand,our society lost the recourse which they could have given their best??.Future more,it brought some negative things including that students who can not go to universities to master of right views.??In a word,that is why it is justified and necessary for the government to intake expansion in Chinese universities.It's not a word Only in this way, more and more students can achieve their dreams of studying in their imagining universities.And only in this way can our country be richer in knowledge.
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